Monday, January 01, 2007

Welcome New Congress: Don't Blow It!

Welcome to our new Congress and our new majority!

May this new year bring accountability, sound judgement, oversight, and a lame duck Presidency. It will take hard work, and unusual amount of unity among Dems. Here are my top 10 suggestions for how this new Congress can turn around this country and return us to whom we once were:

1. Stay Focussed.
2. Pick Your Fights Carefully.
3. Be Bold, Even if You Risk Being Wrong.
4. Respect All, Even Idiots.
5. Be Certain in Your Oversight Role.
6. Stay in 2007, Not 2008.
7. Be Merciless on Corruption.
8. Stay in 2007, Not 1994.
9. Be for All Americans, not Just the Ones that Elected You.
10. Stay in 2007, Not 1968.

Good Luck, Godspeed, and God help you all.

Oh, and give them hell!

Because, if you blow this, the voters will not forgive, we just are not in the mood for it...

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